Why Hire Us For Your Estate Sale Needs?

Hiring and choosing an estate sale company or service can be a confusing and difficult task. Many questions will come to mind when you are seeking help to liquidate an estate. RoanokeEstateSales.com (J.W. Holcomb) has helped hundreds of individuals and families liquidate estate contents. We have heard and answered many questions about estate liquidation. We are here to answer any questions you might have and help guide you in the right direction.

One of the main reasons to hire us to help you is that we have a fast payout on funds collected from your estate sale. There are many stories out there about other estate sale companies not paying their clients in full. We pay out fast! It is your money, we just make a “cut” from what sells. There is no reason for a company or individual to hold your money. Excuses like, we are waiting 2 weeks for checks to clear, or there was a banking error, or we had to refund people, or whatever, THESE EXCUSES DONT CUT IT, We do not rob Peter to pay Paul. We have liquidity and pay our clients from our own accounts fast without delay. Our clients get paid a few days after a sale. Sales end on a Sunday around 4PM and on Monday we rest. On Tuesday we do all the accounting and banking. On Wed. or Thursday we mail out or meet our clients in person with their funds. No hassle, no wait, no excuses.

No complaints. We have no real complaints about our service. We have had one problem with a client a few years ago because they failed to read their contract and tried to literally pencil in terms with a PEN. The issue was they wanted properties not included in the sale cleaned out. This was not the agreement and we stand behind agreements 100% for our clients and ourselves.

Why hire us to manage your Estate Sale:

  • We price everything in the property with a price tag to increase sales.
  • We advertise your sale aggressively (Over $800 in value). We use paid and regionally targeted ads to get the most people to your sale.
  • Vast experience in pricing and evaluating value of personal property and estate contents. Over 20 year experience.
  • Specializing in large accumulations, collections, vintage items, antiques, jewelry, and more.
  • Honesty, Integrity, and Beyond. We believe in karma. If we were to find a hidden box full of gold in your home we will tell you. We value our good reputation.
  • State licensed security specialist on staff. Vetted by the VA Department of Criminal Justice Services, a licensed security works with us and we take security of your property, home, and all contents seriously.
  • We draw a big crowd of shoppers. Our sales average 400-600 shoppers/buyers each weekend sale. Over a 3 day period hundreds of shoppers will help clear out and turn your personal property in to cash.
  • Our fees are on a percentage bases. There are no upfront or hidden fees. We become your partner and your successful estate sale is our success. You share the profits with us, there are usually no other fees.
  • We love what we do and not only want your business, we need it and will work very hard for you and your family.
  • Small locally owned and operated family business.
  • We get all of our clients the best results possible and make them the most money possible.
  • We know what items are worth and are up to speed on trends and values.



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